I Art expresses the vision of ethics and aesthetics in the world of identity, in which individuals, communities and places are at the heart of the cultural sphere, but also political, economic and social. It is an artistic movement that explores the shapes of the most authentic expressions of communities, developing new aesthetic codes of secular traditions. It affirms the existence of art in everyday actions and events in the living memory, as high expression of identity that is revealed with the use of contemporary artistic languages, hybrids and unedited.

The basics of I Art are the following:

I ART is identity

Expression and celebration of the identities of individuals, communities and places as an organic evolution of their history and ancient culture.

I ART is life

I Art is art itself in the present, it is poetic action, the I expression can only express itself in life, in the moment in which it occurs; it is not in the painting but in painting, not in the score but in execution, not in the object but in the inspired manuality who creates it. Appearance is substance.

I ART is unity

I Art supports the overcoming of the partial views, of the contradictions universal- particular, material-immaterial, visible-invisible, soul-body, thanks to the awareness of their coexistence in total action in which they simultaneously occur as part of the same thing.

I ART is immaterial

art revealing the invisible and immaterial as essential components of things, interpreter of new dynamic forms of the ancient memory, of invisible and timeless relationships, celebration of tradition and invention of tradition itself.

I ART is diversity

abhorrence of stereotyped images and forms all the same and celebration of the unique and unrepeatable; propulsive force towards border forms and lives, unexplored, unique and symbiotic with the places that produce them; elimination of the traditional places for art and proclamation of the omnipresence of art, which can happen at any time and everywhere as free expression of identity.